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Ankündigung: Virtuelle Konferenz "Business Law and Covid 19" am 14. Juli 2021

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Das Institut für Unternehmensrecht (IUR) veranstaltet am 14. Juli 2021 von 9.00 Uhr bis ca. 11.30 Uhr gemeinsam mit den Partneruniversitäten IDC Herzliya und University of Tilburg eine virtuelle Konferenz zum Thema "Business Law and Covid 19".  

Es referieren:

  • Professor Dr. Siegfried Elsing, LL.M. (Yale) zum Thema "Virtual Arbitration"
  • Professor Guy Seidman, S.J.D (Chicago) zum Thema "Corona Virus As The Biggest Experiment In Comparative Law"
  • Professor Jacolien Barnard, LL.D. (UP) zum Thema "Consumer Contracts, Unfair Trade Practices and Covid"

Die Veranstaltung findet per Zoom statt. Einwahldaten werden nach Anmeldung zeitig vor der Veranstaltung versendet. 

Studierende der Düsseldorfer Fakultät können sich per  bis zum 12. Juli 2021 anmelden. 


The Center for Business & Corporate Law (CBC), together with partner universities IDC Herzliya and University of Tilburg, will host a virtual conference on "Business Law and Covid 19" on 14 July, 2021 from 9:00 am to approximately 11:30 am.  


  • Professor Dr. Siegfried Elsing, LL.M. (Yale) on the topic of "Virtual Arbitration"
  • Professor Guy Seidman, S.J.D (Chicago) on the topic of "Corona Virus As The Biggest Experiment In Comparative Law"
  • Professor Jacolien Barnard, LL.D. (UP) on the topic of "Consumer Contracts, Unfair Trade Practices and Covid"

The event will be held via Zoom. Dial-in details will be sent out upon registration well in advance of the event. 

Students of the Düsseldorf faculty can register via until 12 July 2021. 

Kategorie/n: Fakultät und Institute, Jura allgemein, IUR

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